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SELECT * FROM `ygp_movielink` where mid='51403' and `doubanmovdataupdatetime` > '1739217826' ORDER BY id DESC limit 1
UPDATE `ygp_movielink` SET `doubanmovdataupdatetime` = '1740427427' WHERE `mid` =51403 ;
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Warning: fclose() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /www/wwwroot/yingshiguang.com/tmpl/getdata/editmoviedata.php on line 52
抗暴记 (豆瓣)
updatetime = pubtimeupdate `ygp_movie` set cname = '抗暴记',ename = 'Conspiracy of Hearts',mtype = 'Movie',episode = '',othername = '抗暴英烈传',lang = '英语',duration = '113 分钟',`mpicurl` = 'https://img9.doubanio.com/view/photo/s_ratio_poster/public/p2555253136.jpg',`movie_type` = '剧情',`country` = '英国',`summary` = '第二次世界大战期间,意大利北部有个专门囚禁一些父母已被纳粹杀害的犹太儿童的集中营。集中营由意大利士兵管理,因而对附近修道院修女救援被囚禁儿童佯装不知。后来德军上校接管了集中营,严加防范,并逐渐知道了修女解救儿童的秘密。他们搜查了修道院,逮捕了相关修女,逼迫她们交代儿童出境路线和游击队员名单。最后当上校要处决院长和修女时,意大利士兵射杀了上校和他的副手,一同投奔了游击队。',`pubtime` = '-307267200',`showpub` = '1960-04-07',`casts` = '莉莉·帕尔默|,西尔维亚·萨姆丝|,伊冯娜·米切尔|,大卫·柯索夫|',`directors` = '拉尔夫·托马斯 Ralph Thomas|',`writers` = 'Adrian Scott|www.douban.com,Dale Pitt|www.douban.com,小罗伯特·普雷斯内尔|www.douban.com',`updatetime` = '0',`dbrate` = '',`imdb` = 'tt0053732' where id = '51403'
> 1 year/movie/51403Array
[0] => 更新完成抗暴记
[1] => yingshiguang - editmoviedata
[2] => 耗时3