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热搜榜 电影热搜榜 电视剧热搜榜

联盟 » 联盟 预告片

2013-02-02发布 | 时长01分55秒 | 3次播放 | 视频来源

  Prime Alexander is a professional athlete living the life most men dream of. He has a huge guaranteed contract, beautiful women chasing him and the best friends a man could ask for. He's used to getting what he wants, when he wants it and doesn't believe in explaining himself to anyone, especially Autumn, the beautiful woman he's been dating for a little over a year. Autumn Singletary is a wealthy socialite who doesn't understand the word no. Her relationship with Prime has more to do with appearances than real feelings but that's of no consequence when Prime decides to end their relationship by publicly humiliating her in the presence of his new interest, Skylar. The bond Prime shares with his boys, Lonzo, Kalif and Dallas has been nurtured throughout the years as the main constant in their life. They are always together. They are always taking care of each other



