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比基尼少女 » 预告片


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2013-02-28发布 | 时长02分24秒 | 205次播放 | 视频来源

  A rag tag band of idiots on the verge of signing a recording contract is sandbagged by their lead singer, Chas Knopfler, into throwing the mother of all parties the night before they embark on a world tour. Eddie Mesmer, the rhythm guitarist, awakens to find his drummer, Toss Dunbar, hanging from a tree like a scarecrow, and the house completely destroyed. Eddie and Toss quickly realize that A: they can't remember anything and B: there's a dead guy in the pool. Now, they have to figure out what happened the night before or their Rock and Roll dream is over. Their only hope is State Dependent Learning, which is the scientifically proven fact that information learned while under the influence of a given "substance", can only be recalled and used to solve a task when you are in the same state. Or in Layman's terms... They have to drink to remember. The prior night's debauchery comes back to them as they get Halfway to a Blackout against insurmountable odds. Will Bad Math realize they're ...


  《比基尼少女》的上映日期是2013年09月01日。《比基尼少女》的别名有:Halfway to a Blackout。

