Documentary follows Bobby Liebling, lead singer of seminal hard rock/heavy metal band Pentagram, as he battles decades of hard drug addiction and personal demons to try and get his life back.
类型:美国 / 纪录片
导演:Don Argott / Demian Fenton
主演:Bobby Liebling / Sean Pelletier
剧情:Documentary follows Bobby Liebling, lead singer of seminal hard rock/heavy metal band Pentagram, as he battles decad… (详细)
名称 | Last Days Here |
国家/地区 | 美国 |
类型 | 纪录片 |
导演 | Don Argott / Demian Fenton |
主演 | Bobby Liebling / Sean Pelletier |
Documentary follows Bobby Liebling, lead singer of seminal hard rock/heavy metal band Pentagram, as he battles decades of hard drug addiction and personal demons to try and get his life back.
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