The show is about doctors Marcus Welby, a general practitioner and Steven Kiley, Welby's young assistant. The two try to treat people as individuals in an age of specialized medicine and uncaring doctors.
类型:美国 / 剧情
导演:Marc Daniels / Leo Penn / 史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格
主演:Robert Young / James Brolin / Elena Verdugo
剧情:The show is about doctors Marcus Welby, a general practitioner and Steven Kiley, Welby's young assistant. The two… (详细)
名称 | 维尔比医生 |
原名 | Marcus Welby |
国家/地区 | 美国 |
类型 | 剧情 |
上映 | 1969-09-23(美国) |
片长 | 60 分钟(169 episodes) |
集数 | 169 |
语言 | 英语 |
导演 | Marc Daniels / Leo Penn / 史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格 |
编剧 | David Victor |
主演 | Robert Young / James Brolin / Elena Verdugo |
The show is about doctors Marcus Welby, a general practitioner and Steven Kiley, Welby's young assistant. The two try to treat people as individuals in an age of specialized medicine and uncaring doctors.
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2025-01-29 | 射雕英雄传:侠之大者 |
2017-09-08 | 蜘蛛侠:英雄归来 |
2018-04-13 | 狂暴巨兽 |