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热搜榜 电影热搜榜 电视剧热搜榜

敬畏 » 先行版预告片

2017-03-30发布 | 时长00分54秒 | 21次播放 | 视频来源

  Michel Hazanavicius’s [pictured] new project Redoubtable revolving around the relationship between Jean-Luc Godard and actress Anne Wiazemsky in the late 1960s.
   Based on Wiazemsky’s autobiographical account Un An Après, the production will star Louis Garrel as Jean-Luc Godard and Stacy Martin, last seen in High-Rise, as the director’s young muse.
   The script kicks off with the 1967 shoot of La Chinoise – about a group of students who try to live by Maoists principles - and follows the couple through the late 1960s when Godard went through his so-called “revolutionary period”.
   Wiazemsky – who met Godard when she was just 17-years-old and he was on the rebound from Anna Karina – was married to the filmmaker for more than a decade.
   Like Hazanavicius’s Oscar-winning The Artist, the aesthetics and style of Redoubtable will take inspiration from the films around which the story is set.
   “It’s an homage to Godard and the films he was making in 1968 at the same time as gently poking fun at some of their characteristics, such as the slogans etc,” said Wild Bunch sales chief Vincent Maraval.
   “It’s not exactly a comedy but it will be lighted-hearted and affectionate in style.”



